2012年12月24日 星期一

2012年12月23日 星期日

A (Very) Simple Maya Standard Shader to Arnold aiStandard Shader Converter

Even though there are still many work to be done I like to share a simple python script I wrote for converting standard Maya material to aiStandard material. This is useful when importing a fbx or obj file where the shaders are usually not imported and default to Maya's standard shader like lambert or phong.

Right now it doesn't do any fancy reconnection other than use Maya's "replaceNode" function. It does try to reconnect transparency and alpha to opacity and transparency channel of aiStandard if you have that connected previously.

There is no UI so please use python command line or script editor.

Here is the content of README:


Replace Maya Standard material with MtoA aiStandard material
URL: http://dennispython.blogspot.tw/



Extract content into a where Maya can source the script files, i.e., Maya's script path.

You can save the run script into Shelf as well.



the convert() function

First import the package.
Select the shaders you intented to convert in Hypershade.
Run the convert function.

For example:

import mayaMat_to_aiStandard as mMat2Ai

the trimTexPath() function

This utility function will trim the absolte path of the texture file in the selected texture node into relative path. It will only keep the last folder one level up from the texture file.(e.g., sourceiamges/texture_file.tif)

Import package.
Select the texture read node in Hypershade.
run the trimTexPath function.

For example:

import mayaMat_to_aiStandard as mMat2Ai

before trim: /home/user/tex/some_folder/sourceimages/texture_file.tif
after trim: sourceimages/texture_file.tif

batch_aiSubdiv function

batch change arnold subdiv type.

import mayaMat_to_aiStandard as mMat2Ai

list of arguments: "catclark", "linear", "none"

Maya Standard to Arnold Standard

2012年12月19日 星期三

WIP -- Cityscape

Another instancing example. It actually take more time to layout the building then render the scene.

2012年12月11日 星期二

More Arnold Test

More Arnold test, this time is a grassland. Trying to push the poly count as much as possible. The first image contain around 4 billion visible tris. 2nd around 2 billion. Made from Maya paintFX convert to poly then instanced for render in Arnold.

2012年12月5日 星期三

Some Test Images Of Solid Angle's Arnold Renderer

Marco said it's ok as long as it's sample is high enough that quality is ok. So I think this is OK?

This last one contain ~60 million poly with refraction, reflection, and SSS all turn on. Take around 297 min to render and only use around 2 gig ram, way to go, Arnold.